The 2025 Induction Ceremony will take place on Saturday January 25th in Concord, NH

Event tickets are avilable here:

New England Turkey Hunting Hall of Fame

Steve Jackson - Inducted 2017

Steve is considered to be  the “father” of Connecticut’s Wild Turkey Program.  He had an acute interest in the turkey restoration being undertaken in many of our surrounding states in the early 1970’s.  Steve’s interest led him to make contacts and develop the necessary agreements to get this native species back into Connecticut.  During 1975, as a result of Steve’s efforts, 22 turkeys were trapped in New York and relocated to Connecticut. From 1978 to1982, Steve oversaw the release of 150 birds at nine sites from northeast to southcentral Connecticut.  Steve also developed and instituted the “Wild Turkey Sighting Card Program” which helped evaluate annual productivity and range expansion, as well as estimated hatch dates and fall population growth. 

Although the initial goal of the turkey restoration program was to increase bio-diversity, the turkeys did so well that by 1981 a limited spring hunting season was initiated. Steve developed and implemented all of the regulations to institute the first modern day turkey season in Connecticut.  As the wild turkey population expanded throughout Connecticut, Steve continued to open new areas to hunting and developed liberalized regulations which included establishing a fall archery season.
Steve’s efforts formulated the Wild Turkey Program’s foundation, which provided a solid platform for future biologists to wisely manage this valuable renewable resource.

John June - Inducted 2022

Mike Gregonis - Inducted 2022

​Matt Wettish - Inducted 2024

​Dale W. May - Inducted 2025

Connecticut Members